Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where We're At

I am just going to write a quick post to get some thoughts out of my head. By the way, while I’m at it, I would just like to say that I am more than capable of writing much higher quality pieces- I had an A in every single writing class I ever took at university, including my journalism classes. I intend on one day writing something truly great. Hopefully I will get to show you all I’ve got. In the meantime, this is what I do for recreational purposes in between diaper changes. I hardly edit at all because I don’t have the time. I am still bitter about not having been chosen as a writer for a local blog. Can you tell?
There, that feels much better! Here is a quick update on our current situation. A’s orders to Louisiana have been deleted! I don’t have to live in the swamp!!! Now we are waiting till the beginning of September, when A can drop his retirement paperwork. If all goes well, we will be retiring from the Army in a little over a year right here in SC. (My use of the word ‘we’ was deliberate- even though it is not my employer, the Army has still been the boss of my family…)
Please keep your fingers crossed for an approved retirement. After 19 years in the Army, it’s time A was allowed to choose where he lives and what kind of job he wants to work in. I can’t wait to see him as a civilian!
Regarding our new home, we have almost decided on a place to move. It looks as though our perfect place will be Germany. Of course we can’t say for certain that we will be moving there next year, but we are planning like we will.
Unfortunately, due to breed restrictions in Europe, we will not be able to take our wonderful dog with us. If you are interested in adopting Morgan, our wonderful Pit Bull (or, as our adoption papers stated, ‘Boxer Mix’), please contact me about her. She is the sweetest dog and I am sad to have to give her up…
Our sweet girl

The doula training is going well. I have already attended the two births required for certification and just have to get the rest of my reading done. Not always easy with two crazy littles, but I’m working on it.
As you see, there’s nothing too terribly exciting on the horizon just yet. Change is coming, though, and I’m ready!

PS: I feel as though my blog isn’t really going anywhere. I would love to make improvements, but am not sure in what department(s). If you have any suggestions, please share them! I would be more than happy to make changes to anything from design to content. Thank you in advance!


  1. Fingers crossed for all the good things. Sorry about the pup. She is gorgeous.

  2. Sounds like lots of changes on the way. Wishing you the best! Also, it seems like those buttheads should have chosen you as local blog writer.

  3. Yes, those butt heads should have!!! ;-)
