Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Vivien-tacular Giveaway

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my new blog design. The wonderful Ihilani redid my entire blog and made it lovely! If you are interested in having your blog redesigned, check out her page http://www.sopupuka.com/.

If you have any comments or suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them! We can still make changes.

I want to get this blog thing going a little better than it has been. Therefore, I have decided to do a giveaway as soon as I reach 30 followers.

So, if you would like to win a $30 gift certificate to Totsy, please follow my blog and spread the word. The faster we get to 30 followers, the sooner we will have a winner.


  1. Wow! I like it! It's cheerful& breezy!

  2. Thank you! You should become a follower ;-)

  3. Ich fands vorher sooo schön! Jetzt ist es auch schön, aber vorher gefiel's mir noch besser...

  4. I joined! :) Cool idea V and your page looks great!
